Indeed, it has been a busy weekend for the Executive Chairman of the Petroleum Regulatory Agency PRA Brima Baluwa Koroma as the Agency commissioned various filling stations across the country.

“As part of the government’s objectives to increase participation in the petroleum downstream value chain, we are pleased to commission another gas station yesterday at Tongo Field, Lower Bambara Chiefdom. We just commissioned another modern gas station two days preceding this in Lungi, Portloko District.

This morning we are set to register the 367th gas station at Mile 88, Tonkonlili District.

As Chairman of the Regulatory Authority, I want to congratulate our industry colleagues but particularly my brothers and sisters who are interestingly homegrown Sierra Leoneans for taking this critical service to their various communities.

These initiatives will improve service and reduce business operating costs, especially in our remote communities,” says Chairman Baluwa Koroma while congratulating industry players and assuring them of the Government’s support for the growth of their investments.

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